Vacubel glass, double or triple glazing: the key to optimum comfort

In this article, we highlight an essential aspect of comfortable living: double, triple or double glazing and its insulating properties, which can take any living space to the next level.

Vacubel glass, double or triple glazing: the key to optimum comfort

Double or triple glazing, and now vacuum sealed glass, also known as insulating glass units (IGUs), have gained ground in home design and renovation in recent years. Not only is it a modern addition to any home, it also offers considerable benefits in terms of insulation and energy efficiency.

Bonds and subsidies

1. Obligations

When you buy a home, you will be issued with an EPC certificate indicating the home’s level of energy efficiency. If you receive an E or F certificate, you must renovate the house to at least level D within five years of purchase.
Replacing the existing double glazing with double glazing with higher insulation values is a simple first step. In most cases, the existing joinery can be retained, allowing you to immediately achieve a better energy level with minimal investment.

For more information on subsidies double glazing in Flanders, click here.
For more information on subsidies double glazing in Brussels, click here.
For more information on subsidies double glazing in Wallonia, click here.



voor en naresultaat renovatie ramen door glas vandoren


Vacubel glass, double or triple glazing: the key to optimum comfort

Double or triple glazing, and now vacuum sealed glass, also known as insulating glass units (IGUs), have gained ground in home design and renovation in recent years. Not only is it a modern addition to any home, it also offers considerable benefits in terms of insulation and energy efficiency.



renovatie ramen geklasseerd gebouw door Glas Vandoren.

2. Subsidies for structural or insulating glass

The public authorities will grant you subsidies for all your energy-saving measures. The same applies to replacing existing external glazing with more insulating glass. You receive subsidies from the installation of glass with an insulation value of Ug = 1.0 W/m².K.

For more information on the various premiums in Flanders, click here.
For more information on the various premiums in Brussels, click here.
For more information on the various premiums in Wallonia, click here.


The main advantages of insulated glazing

1. Thermal insulation :

Double glazing consists of two layers of glass separated by an insulating layer of air or gas. This structure minimises heat transfer, keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. So you can enjoy optimum comfort all year round.

2. Energy savings :

Improved thermal insulation means your heating system has to work less hard. The result is considerable energy savings and lower energy bills. So it’s an investment that pays for itself.

3. Sound insulation :

Double glazing reduces outside noise, making your home an oasis of calm. Whether it’s the noise of traffic or neighbourhood activities, double glazing contributes to a calm and serene living environment.

More benefits :

Reduced condensation :

Double glazing reduces the risk of condensation on the inside of windows, thus preventing the formation of mould and damp problems.

Greater safety

The robust construction of double-glazed windows makes your home even more secure. Double and triple glazing are harder to break than single glass.

dakkoepel door Glas Vandoren

For more information on insulating external glazing, click here.
Curious about our achievements? Click here to find out more.

Are you planning to modernise your existing glazing?

If you’re thinking of fitting your house or flat with double, triple or Bengglas, we’re ready to guide you every step of the way. Our team of experts is on hand to answer all your questions and find the best solutions for your situation.

Take advantage of our online quote request or pay us a visit in Werchter, where we’ll be happy to advise you on the various options available.

Invest today in the comfort and energy efficiency of tomorrow!